DEGREASERS - Available in 5lt and 25lt
AUTOSCRUBDegreasing detergent for scrubbing machines
DESOLVEHeavy duty degreaser for engines
KLEENSCRUBWhite free flowing scouring powder
KLEENSOLVEWater based degreaser - useful solution for steam cleaning units.
STRIKEDisinfectant degreaser
POWERKLEENNon ammoniated bath and tile cleaner
POWERSOLVEA strong water based alkaline degreaser for manual & pressure washers
CONTRACTOR RANGE - Available in 5lt and 25lt
CONTRACTA SANAmmoniated economical bath and tile cleaner.
CONTRACTA SOLVEEconomical water based detergent and degreaser.
GREASEKLEENHeavy duty alkaline floor degreasing powder
KLEENTRIXHeavy duty alkaline detergent liquid.
HAND CLEANER - Available in 5lt and 25lt
ANTI BACTERIAL GELAnti bacterial waterless hand gel.
HURRIKLEEN CREMEAn industrial waterless hand cleaner with grit (abrasive)
HURRIKLEEN CREMEAn industrial waterless hand cleaner without grit (plain)
PINEGELDisinfecting hand and surface cleaner in gel form